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Jr High Youth Camp

Just Completed Grade 5 – Grades 8

July 6-11, 2025
Sunday – Friday

2025 – “Chosen By God”

Speaker: Harman Sharda
Speaker: Carter Hanson
Worship: Josh Goonewardene
Camp Director: Samuel Acey

2020 Youth Camp Video

2019 Youth Camp Video

2025 Registration Open

Early bird registration gives you $50 off per registrant and ends on May 25th, 2025.

For more information, please contact Sam Acey at

Proceed to Registration System

More About Camp

JR HIGH CAMP GRADES: completed Grade 5 – completed Grade 8

**NOTE – if your child has completed Grade 5, they can choose to attend Kids Camp or Jr High Camp. If your child has completed Grade 8, they can choose to attend Jr or Sr High Camp.

Junior High Camp is an overnight camp filled with activities throughout the day along with morning and evening chapel. Our camp is located right on the shoreline of Moose Lake which gives us the opportunity to go swimming and take part in various water activities including paddle boarding, kayaking and canoeing. Team sports, wide games, and campfires are also a big part of our week. Another highlight of camp is purchasing snacks and hot food in the evenings at our Moose Munch Box. Our camp schedule is full of times to encounter God through chapel, fun activities and developing lifelong friendships.

**Please note – we do offer some limited gluten friendly options, however our kitchen and utensils are not solely gluten free. Should you require more information please contact the director of the camp you are registering for.

When does camp start & end?

Youth Camp:
Registration begins on Sunday, July 6 at 2:00pm.

Ends on Friday, July 11, 4-5pm (supper available for purchase for family members $5 per person onsite)

Interested in serving at camp this year?  We need your help!  Apply online to be a camp counselor.

Jr High Youth Camp Ministry Guests

More details coming soon…  Sign up for email updates to find out when new information is available.

Harman Sharda (Speaker)

Harman had a radical encounter with Jesus at the age of 13 after growing up in a Sikh home. He now serves as Associate Pastor at Journey Church in Calgary Alberta, alongside his wife Carmen and two sons Diem and Rohan. Harman’s favourite things include playing video games, Wendy’s nuggets, watching Inside Out with his sons and going for what he calls old man walks.

Carter Hanson (Speaker)

Carter serves as the Youth & Young Adults Pastor at The Park Church, where he is passionate about helping the next generation grow in their faith and take ownership of their walk with Christ. With a heart for discipleship and community, he loves creating spaces where young people can connect, ask hard questions, and encounter God in meaningful ways.

Originally from Red Deer, Carter and his wife, Shelley, moved to Sherwood Park two years ago and are excited to raise their daughter, Remi, in a community they love. Outside of ministry, Carter enjoys fitness, running, and hosting gatherings with friends. You’ll often find him involved in local events, cheering on young athletes, or planning the next great adventure for youth and young adults.

Josh Goonewardene (Worship)

Josh is a passionate worship leader whose expertise is in youth worship ministry. This is his second year out at Moose Lake and Josh is excited to engage with what God is already doing at the camp. Josh graduated from Vanguard College with a Bachelor of Theology in Worship Arts and is pursuing pastoral credentials through the PAOC. He leads student worship teams in his role as Campus Pastor of Millwoods Christian School in Edmonton and is involved with the music ministry in his home church. Josh and the worship team are praying into and seeking God as they prepare for camp this summer!

Samuel Acey (Camp Director)

Samuel has been a pastor for over 15 years, 9 of which were primarily focused on youth. He is currently the Associate Pastor at Living Faith Church in Lloydminster, AB. He has been married to Haidet for over 11 years, and together they have 3 boys named Elijah, Isaac, and Josiah.

Much of his ministry revolves around reaching out to those not yet connected to a church, pointing them to Jesus, and encouraging them to live by faith and not by sight.