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Jr High Youth Camp

Grades 7-9

July 7-12, 2024
Sunday – Friday

Speaker: Josh Lam
: Adam Meckelborg
Worship: Josh Goonewardene
Worship: TBD
Director: Sam Acey

2020 Youth Camp Video

2019 Youth Camp Video

Register Online

COST – $400
$50 off until May 26, 2024
Instalment payment plan offered

Proceed to Registration System

More About Camp

GRADES 7 up to grade 9. If your child is entering grade 9 they can choose to stay at Jr High Camp or go to Sr High Camp.

Jr High Camp is an overnight camp filled with activities throughout the day along with morning and evening chapel. Our camp is located right on the shoreline of Moose Lake which gives us the opportunity for swimming and water activities, including paddle boards, kayaks and canoes. Team sports, wide games and campfires are also a big part of our day. A highlight of camp is to purchase snacks and some hot food in the evenings at our Moose Munch Box. Our camp is very structured full of times to encounter God through chapel, fun activities and developing lifelong friendships.

When does camp start & end?

Youth Camp:
Registration begins on Sunday, July 7 at 2:00pm
Ends on Friday, July 12, 4-5pm
(supper available for purchase for family members $5 per person onsite)

Interested in serving at camp this year?  We need your help!  Apply online to be a camp counselor.

Jr High Youth Camp Ministry Guests

More details coming soon…  Sign up for email updates to find out when new information is available.

Josh Lam (Speaker)

Josh encountered Jesus on a mission’s trip to Guatemala when he was 16. Since then, he has been on a journey of following Jesus – travelling as a missionary to the outback of Australia and Mongolia, going to post secondary for theology, and now working at First Assembly Church in Calgary serving young adults and students of the church’s ministry school for the past 4 years.

Adam Meckelborg (Speaker)

Adam met Jesus when he was 18 years old and was marked with a passion to seek renewal and awakening in the western church through prayer, teaching and discipleship. Adam has a heart to see Gen Z encounter God and follow him wholeheartedly. He now finds himself running alongside some of his best friends, serving on the leadership teams of Tehillah YYC, Tehillah Ministry School and serving the wonderful people of First Assembly Church in Calgary, Alberta. He is married to his sweetheart, Addi and his favorite thing to do in his downtime is read, play golf or basketball.

Josh Goonewardene (Worship)

Josh serves as a ministry intern at Lakeview Gospel Centre in Bonnyville. Josh has a heart for youth ministry and he works passionately and diligently for the Kingdom. His heart is to see youth experience God and grow in their walks with God no matter where they are in their faith journey. He is a multi-instrumentalist and is an avid hiker in his free time. He recently graduated from Vanguard College in Edmonton in 2024 and has served in many ministry capacities including Student Body Vice President, Youth and Worship Pastor, and as a short term missions worker in Brazil.

Sam Acey (Director)

Samuel has been a pastor for over 14 years, 9 of which were primarily focused on youth. Most recently, he spent 4 years pastoring 2 churches in the Northwest Territories. He is currently the Associate Pastor at Living Faith Church in Lloydminster, AB. He has been married to Haidet for over 10 years, and together they have 3 boys named Elijah, Isaac, and Josiah.

Samuel puts a huge focus on being obedient to God no matter the cost. Much of his ministry revolves around reaching out to those not yet connected to a church, pointing them to Jesus, and encouraging them along their path to and in a relationship with Christ. The most rewarding ministry experiences for him have been to see people continue to grow in their relationship with Christ, and walk alongside those who choose to live by faith and not by sight.