Kids Camp
For kids who have completed grade 2 to grade 5
If your child has completed grade 5, they can choose Kids camp or Jr High Youth Camp
For kids who have completed grade 2 to grade 5
If your child has completed grade 5, they can choose Kids camp or Jr High Youth Camp
Early bird registration gives you $50 off per registrant and ends on June 1st, 2025.
For more information, please contact Calvin Somerville at
KIDS CAMP GRADES: completed Grade 2 – completed Grade 5.
**NOTE – if your child has completed Grade 5, they can choose to attend Kids Camp or Jr. High Camp.
Kids Camp is an overnight camp filled with activities throughout the week along with morning and evening chapel services to encounter God. Our camp is located right on the shoreline of Moose Lake which gives us the opportunity to swim and take part in various water activities, including paddle boards and kayaks. Some other activities include crafts, team sports, and a daily visit to our Moose Munch Box for a treat. Our camp schedule is full of times to encounter God through chapel, fun activities and developing lifelong friendships.
Please note – we do offer some limited gluten friendly options, however our kitchen and utensils are not solely gluten free. Should you require more information please contact the director of the camp you are registering for.
Registration is on Sunday, July 13th at 2pm. You will find the registration tables at the main tabernacle. Parents can help campers find their cabins and meet their counselors during this time.
Orientation begins in the Tabernacle for all campers at 4:30pm.
Parent/Guardian ID will be required at pick up!
Camper signout begins at 3pm on Friday, July 18. Parents will sign out their kids at the tables set up outside the main tabernacle and then join us for a short program. Campers will be officially dismissed from the Tabernacle at 4:00 pm and released directly to their parents/guardians.
All campers must be checked out by 4:00 pm.
Following this service, families can join us for a BBQ for $5 per person (campers are free). Please let us know when you register your child how many people will be joining so we can prepare accordingly
Box 445, Glendon, AB, T0A 1P0
61025- Range Road 474
All phone calls will only be allowed using the camp phone during camper phone time from 6-7pm nightly. These calls are only allowed to the number provided on the registration form. If you want to call your camper, please note they will call your back during that time, unless it is a family emergency.
If you would like to attend a service as a visitor please contact the camp directors and please check in at the main office to receive a visitor tag. When parents call or visit the camp regularly it can result in homesickness. If your child is struggling with homesickness we will be sure to contact you or allow them to call you. We want to make camp the best experience possible for your child and you are a big part of that.
Rooming requests will be considered for students who are in the same grade. Rooming requests are requests and cannot be guaranteed.
Yes, it will be open once per day and a daily tuck allowance is included in your registration fee.
Please see packing list below.
Feel free to pack an item or two, to enhance this theme. Be creative, but you don’t need to go buy anything new for the themes.
Please pack everything in durable soft bags.
Also, note that we will have daily dress up themes that your camper can participate in with their cabin at supper time.
In no specific order, themes will include:
Feel free to pack an item or two, to enhance this theme. Be creative, but you don’t need to go buy anything new for the themes.
Your camper will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities during their week at camp.
Additional waivers are required for watersports, and archery. You can download these forms and bring them prefilled to camp, or complete at the registration. Please see the website.
While we are not a special needs camp we will do our best to ensure every camper/counselor has a positive camp experience. It is important that parents share the needs of their campers directly with the kids camp directors prior to registering for camp
The counselors and staff are volunteers with a variety of experience and backgrounds. If your child requires one on one assistance we may not be able to support them attending camp, if we do not have specially qualified or enough camp staff. We encourage you to have a discussion about your child’s needs in advance with our kids camp directors.
If you have any further questions please reach out to the kids camp director at
More details coming soon… Sign up for email updates to find out when new information is available.